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State and development tendencies of the proppant submarket in Russia

Название отчетаState and development tendencies of the proppant submarket in Russia 
Код исследования2883 
Тип работыМаркетинговое исследование
Дата выхода отчета25.01.2008 
Количество страниц51 
Язык отчетаАнглийский 
20100 руб. Купить
Краткое описание отчетаMain research objectives are:

1. State value and prospects of the proppant submarket development from standpoint of investment appeal.

2. Expediency definition and possibilities of investors penetrate in the Russian proppant submarket.

The research period is 2000-2007 years. The general trends and forecasts of proppant submarket development are considered over the near-term outlook in coordination with oil- and gas producing branches up to 2030 year.
Полное описание отчетаInformation sources:

1. Statistical data of Federal State Statistics Service, estimated and forecast figures of Energy Information Administration, Ministry for Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, data of Federal Customs Service of Russia.

2. The companies press releases, branch and expert estimations of mass media.

3. Own informational resource and extensive enterprises database of Information Agency «CredInform – North-West».

General conclusions:

On the experts opinion of the Russian proppant submarket, the proppant production and consumption is in the close dependence on a state and development prospects in the oil- and gas subbranches.

As the practice indicates, modern ways of extraction the oil and gas stocks from the land with application of layers hydrobreak, on the one hand, cause wide proppant applying, and, on the other hand, stimulate development of the proppant submarket as a whole.

For all investigated period since 2000 till 2007 the Russian proppant submarket capacity annually grew proportionally on the average 10% and in the near-term outlook will be kept, at least, at a former level.

By now it has been opened and explored more than 3 thousand oil fields in Russia, and approximately half of them are being developed. The most part of these resources is located on land. More than half of Russian petroleum production is concentrated in area of Ural and Western Siberia.

The main feature of the Russian gas-and-oil producing complex is that the most part highly debit gas-and-oil fields of operated fund differ in a high degree of development against a background of the reduced financing of exploration work since 1998.

In view of the aforesaid it is necessary to note that development of new gas-and-oil fields and an effective using of available gas-and-oil wells can and should be conducted with using of innovation technologies with proppant applying.

Among the other factors, providing uninterrupted supply of a gas-and-oil producing complex by modern materials of domestic and import manufacture and causing the subsequent development of the proppant submarket in Russia, are: availability of the confirmed and explored reserves of oil and natural gas, increasing need on them not only in Russia, but in the world along with a rise in prices on them as well. The foreign trade turnover of proppant during the period 2005-2007 (8) was declared by operators in 12 codes CN foreign trade activities.

The potential basis for proppant manufacture in Russia is made up the industrial enterprises of a segment of fire-resistant and abrasive production which is one of the most mass kinds of raw material for the petroleum and natural gas industry along with metallurgical and other branches.

The brief information on the leading companies of the Russian proppant submarket is presented in the end of the report. However in practical work it is necessary to consider and other participants of the submarket (there can be more than hundred participants) as they show the certain financial successes in concrete segments, for example: in manufacture and realization of separate kinds of production, are importers, exporters, representatives or dealers of the world manufacturer.

In order to help to understand the companies-participants of the Russian proppant submarket, and also to receive brief information on them, «The directory of the branch enterprises» that was created in the company «CredInform – North-West» will help.

More detailed information on any firm can be received in a mode online at site of Agency where in more accessible form reference data on firm are presented not only, but also in the comparative form its financial figures, given foreign trade activities and another. 
Подробное оглавлениеContents

1. State of the proppant submarket in Russia

1.1. The basic features of the Russian proppant submarket

1.2. General characteristics of the gas-and-oil producing sub-industries

2. The foreign trade activities structure of the proppant submarket

2.1. Main characteristics of foreign trade activities

2.2. Analysis of import proppant deliveries in 2005-2007(8)

2.3. Analysis of export proppant deliveries in 2005-2007(8)

3. Industry development trends

4. Leading competitors and their characteristics

4.1. Proppant producers

4.2. Proppant consumers

4.3. Raw material suppliers for refractory manufacturers 


Table 1.1. Leading enterprises of refractory production segment, ТОР 15

Table 1.2. The world proved oil reserves, period 2000 – 2006

Table 1.3. Volumes of oil consumption in Russia in 2000-2006

Table 1.4. Oil production in Russia, period of January-October 2007

Table 1.5. World proved gas reserves, period 2000 - 2006

Table 1.6. Volumes of natural gas consumption in Russia in 2000-2006

Table 1.7. Key performance indicators of Gazprom in 2001 – 2006

Table 2.1. CN Foreign Trade Activities codes declaring proppant in 2005-2007 (8)

Table 2.2. Trend of foreign trade activities key figures in the Russian proppant submarket in 2005-2007 (8)

Table 2.3. Proppant import volumes detailed on CN Foreign Trade Activities codes to Russia in 2005-2007(8)

Table 2.4. Proppant export volumes detailed on CN Foreign Trade Activities codes from Russia in 2005-2007(8)

Table 2.5. Proppant deliveries to Russia detailed on manufacturers in 2005-2007 (8)

Table 2.6. Proppant suppliers to Russia in 2005-2007(8)

Table 2.7. Consignees of import proppant deliveries in Russia in 2005-2007(8)

Table 2.8. Operators and proppant import figures in Russia in 2005

Table 2.9. Operators and proppant import figures in Russia in 2006

Table 2.10. Operators and proppant import figures in Russia in 2007 (8)

Table 2.11. Manufacturers and brands of declared production (proppant) imported to Russia in 2005-2007(8)

Table 2.12. Operators and proppant export figures in Russia in 2005

Table 2.13. Operators and proppant export figures in Russia in 2006

Table 2.14. Operators and proppant export figures in Russia in 2007 (8)

Table 2.15. Consignors and brands of declared production (proppant), exported from Russia in 2005-2007(8)

Table 3.1. Predicted volumes of oil consumption in Russia, period 2010 - 2030

Table 3.2. Predicted volumes of oil production in Russia, period 2010 - 2030

Table 3.3. List of strategic accumulations in Russia


Diagram 1.1. Proppant consumption volumes in Russia in 2000-2007

Diagram 1.2. Bauxite production trend in Russia in 2002-2007

Diagram 1.3. Russian share in the total world proved oil reserves to the end of 2006

Diagram 1.4. Trend of proved oil reserves distribution in Russia in 2000-2006

Diagram 1.5. Trend of oil production volumes in Russia in 2000-2006

Diagram 1.6. Russian share in the world reserves of natural gas to the end of 2006

Diagram 1.7. Distribution trend of the proved natural gas reserves

in Russia in 2000-2006

Diagram 1.8. Trend of natural gas production in Russia in 2000-2006

Diagram 2.1. Import and export ratio of Russian proppant submarket in 2005-2007(8)

Diagram 2.2. Key figures trend of proppant import to Russia in 2005-2007 (8)

Diagram 2.3. Key figures trend of proppant export from Russia in 2005-2007 (8)

Diagram 2.4. Geography of countries supplying proppant to Russia in 2005 (in kind)

Diagram 2.5. Geography of countries supplying proppant to Russia in 2005 (in value terms)

Diagram 2.6. Geography of countries supplying proppant to Russia in 2006 (in kind)

Diagram 2.7. Geography of countries supplying proppant to Russia in 2006 (in value terms)

Diagram 2.8. Geography of countries supplying proppant to Russia in 2007 (8) (in kind)

Diagram 2.9. Geography of countries supplying proppant to Russia in 2007 (8) (in value terms)

Diagram 2.10. Geography of countries exporting proppant from Russia in 2005

Diagram 2.11. Geography of countries exporting proppant from Russia in 2006 (in kind)

Diagram 2.12. Geography of countries exporting proppant from Russia in 2006 (in value terms)

Diagram 2.13. Geography of countries exporting proppant from Russia in 2007 (8)

Diagram 3.1. Balance of oil production and consumption volumes in Russia, period 2010 - 2030
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State and development tendencies of the proppant submarket in Russia. Маркетинговое исследование. Россия. исследование, обзор и анализ рынка. Нефтехимия. Все готовые маркетинговые исследования рынков и бизнес планы. Здесь Вы найдете: State and development tendencies of the proppant submarket in Russia. Маркетинговое исследование. Россия. Нефтехимия. Готовые маркетинговые исследования рынков, обзоры,готовые бизнес планы - самая полная коллекция. Бизнес планы, маркетинговые исследования, исследования рынка, маркетинговые услуги по: анализу рынка, обзору рынка, емкость рынка, объем рынка, доля рынка.
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